Originally Posted by Jito463
I never said it was JUST illegals, but they do play a considerable factor in the equation. Even you can't deny that.
Illegals are roughly only 11 million out of around 300 million.
That's not the only way. Finding ways to prevent abuse of the system will also help to keep costs down.
Define "abuse of the system", we might agree here.
Or, you know, only provide replacements/repairs when it's really needed, rather than allowing every tom, dick and harry in whenever they feel like it.
The point is, the way our system works would cause obvious failure in any other industry...and we wonder why it's failing. lol
You say you're for the expansion of Medicaid, but one of the biggest issues with government runs programs like Medicaid is the exorbitant cost of fraud. If the fraud could be weeded out (or at least minimized), it would go a long way towards making the programs actually maintainable.
Yes, I'm all for preventing fraud.
Of course, one of the main reasons there is so much fraud, is because of the overwhelming bureaucracy that allows the fraud to continue. No one is ever responsible for the fraud that occurs, so no one is ever fired, thus the fraud is allowed to persist. And when government is involved, bureaucracy is unavoidable.
I think there should be tougher laws against fraud.
Which is THE primary reason we should never want the government involved in our health care choices!
Because the private industry is so much better right?
Great cartoon.... LOL