Originally Posted by Ferd
ok, I hate to re-rail this utterly derailed tread... but...
was JA on to something here? as every day passes, it seems to me there has been an actual effort by the left to end the Trump presidency by any means necessary.
revelation that Obama and team were wiretapping Trump during the election? allegations of Russian collusion designed to delegitimize and disrupt? riots by leftist organizations across the country? Obama's shadow government, current plans to organize and disrupt the American polity?
We are in unchartered territory folks. Im no fan of the prophet who appears more profit than anything else. I have been saddened by some of the things (not just this) I have heard about a man I once respected...
But while JA was off on Obama preventing Trump from becoming president, there sure is a lot of smoke here....
just say'n
Bingo. That's why I cautioned not to condemn the prophecy so quickly. I wasn't saying that it was true, nor was I saying that it was false. I was just saying, take the time to read between the lines of what the Spirit
might be saying through this man.