Stacking the Deck: The Muslim Ban
What most aren't getting is that the ban on Muslim travel, refugees, and immigration is an ingenious political move. We all know that terrorists are going to strike again at some point. When that happens Trump has stacked the deck.
You see, in the wake of an attack, if the executive order isn't overturned and stands.... the Trump administration can claim the measure is justified and push for broader domestic powers to track and spy on Americans and restrictions on those entering the country.
If the executive order is overturned before an attack.... Trump will be able to place blame on the courts and push for broader domestic powers to track and spy on Americans and restrict those entering the country.
It becomes a win/win for Trump, setting him up for a massive power-grab. In either circumstance, if we are faced with a grim terrorist attack with a high death toll, Trump is set up to move and abolish limitations that prevent the use of the military as it relates to domestic police action, the expansion of detainment centers, torture, limitations on media access, registries, CIA black sites, and warrantless searches and surveillance.
With such vocal opposition among Democrats, he is also set up to politically slaughter the Democrats after such an attack, saying that liberal opposition to the ban shows that they are out of touch and incapable of keeping America safe. And if the ban is overturned, he'll blame the courts and the Democrats for "allowing it happen".
Frankly, Trump has chosen an ingenious political position with the Muslim ban. Even his attacks on the media, though outlandish, will seem justified in the wake of an attack.
The Democrats have no clue that their protest, no matter how altruistic, liberty minded, and civil rights based, will be used to politically hang them.
Now, all Trump needs is a significant attack on US soil. And I'm sure such an attack will be best exploited if it is just before the Midterm Elections. Thank God the Trump Administration wouldn't ever just allow such an attack to take place.
Let's see what happens....
Last edited by Aquila; 02-08-2017 at 12:43 AM.