Great Worshipful Songs
In my ongoing efforts to help the music program at the church where I attend I am on the lookout for good songs in lots of areas.
Today I am looking for some good songs that are just full of worship, adoration & praise to Him for who He is and who He is to us.
I am finding a few and I am thoroughly enjoying myself today.
I thought that I would start a thread to share any video that I find along the way and, also, with hopes that you may have some to share as well.
I may be showing how far I am behind the times to admit this... but I have never heard this song before and I like it.
Here are the lyrics...
Great is Your mercy towards me.
Your loving kindness towards me.
Your tender mercies I see day after day.
Forever faithful towards me,
always providing for me;
great is Your mercy towards me,
great is Your grace
[YT="Great Is Thy Mercy - Donnie McClurkin"]SFSMnzlK9m0[/YT]