Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Brother n david, where is the word whirlwind in Acts 8:39?
Pardon me for mixing the stories of Elijah and Philip up. The phrase was caught away, not whirlwind.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Most certainly, because Brother Stoneking refers not to Acts 12:7, but Acts 8:39. No angel smacking Brother C. P. Thomas in the head and guiding him out of jail, but CP being miraculously transported to his home.
What are we trying to say to people when we repeat this mumbo jumbo to them. "You can do this also? Just for the small price of admission, you too can transport out of prison, coax Muslim women out of caves and baptize them, get kidnapped by Al-Qaeda and convert their worst leader to the Apostolic faith?"
C'mon. I know this is your paraphrase, but you know this isn't anything close to what Stoneking has said or would say. Good grief. He may tell stories from CP Thomas that are hard to believe, but one thing he isn't is a money-grubbing tv preacher. And you tell me one of my previous posts was Diva-like.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I had a brother tell me not too long ago, the Bible is so rich with information, why in God's name do men speak such utter foolishness over the pulpit? My daughters don't need to hear outlandish stuff, because they look at me and say "SERIOUSLY?" They can believe wooden staffs were changed into blood, bone, and flesh reptiles, and that blinds eyes can be opened, but weirdness is something else. When it goes from faith building in the demonstration, to the crowd wowing of tall tale telling it is kind of grieving.
Weirdness? That mocking "mumbo jumbo" comment you made above about being transported, muslim women and terrorists isn't weirdness. Paul was one of the worst against the early church before his conversion. There have been stories from missionaries who have witnessed the conversion of war lords and terrible gang members. Gentiles were included in the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, you think muslims cannot be? And again, the Bible has at least two instances where people were transported.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
But the same logic is used by people who doubt the church and the Bible. They say do you believe that God can saved the entire world and make everyone sit cross legged on the floor and sing kumbaya? Yes, He can, but He won't do opposite to what He has already given us through His word.
How is the same thing which happened in his word the opposite of what He's already given us through His word?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
In other words, He isn't waiting for some time to change up the rules half way through the game. If I teach my family, friends, and church family to let slide everything that comes out of my mouth over the pulpit just because I'm the preacher then they would be insane, because they are following with out basis for why they are following.
Change up the rules halfway through the game?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Meaning they would be following me instead of Jesus Christ. Paul stated, follow ME as I follow Christ. Paul was protecting the saints, and letting them know that he was not to be followed if he wasn't following the one head, being Christ. Telling stories about old Brother C. P. Thomas flying through the sky, while people look deeper into the text and find that isn't what happened to Phillip is setting up everyone for disaster.
1) The clip doesn't say he was "flying through the sky." It said "the next instant he was standing in his own living room."
2) In Acts 8:39 it says Philip is caught away. Some copies state "the angel of the Lord caught away Philip" Then suddenly in the next verse he's 20 miles away in Azotus.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
My lands no, I don't doubt the scripture because of some hokum around me. I doubt the hokum, because it is just unverifiable hokum. God isn't the author of confusion or goofiness. Nor will He share His glory with another, especially a brother trying to build up his ministry through stories that are more akin to Art Bell and George Noory, then they are to holy writ.
Brother C. P. Thomas translated into his house from jail? Can God do that why sure, but will God do that for a preacher's publicity? Highly doubtful.
You have proof it was for his publicity and nothing more?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Talking donkeys, submarine rides in Moby Dick, all happened for specific reasons to teach the people of God. So, when you hear of ministers getting swallowed by groupers and being spit out towards General Conference let me know what the preachers had to say. Again, this isn't why we are sitting in a pew, to hear the fantastic in the lives of only those on the platform. 
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
So, when the boy said that the emperor had no clothes he was slamming the emperor?
No, he was pointing out the obvious, something that the adults around him agreed within their own minds to overlook.
Again, if everyone believed everything I said over a pulpit just because I said it, they would be out of their ever loving minds, Revelation 2:2 is explicit in its admonishment to the church, "I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people. You have EXAMINED the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have DISCOVERED they're liars." That is how the Rabbis and the Greeks taught, they taught a Socratic method of teaching, where the students weren't told by the teacher, but taught by the student asking questions of the teacher.
Can Brother Stoneking deal with a Socratic method of teaching, the brother can't even deal with young people or any commotion while he is preaching, let only having to be pressed with hard questions. This isn't bashing, this is just telling how the cow ate the cabbage.
You should call Stoneking and speak with him about his lies, since you're so adamant about it, and since you advocate for people to contact the source. I mean, if Stoneking is doing what you claim, you should confront him! Sitting in your easy chair only mocking him online doesn't keep him from what he's doing.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
N david, Jesus said, if the blind lead the blind they both fall in a ditch. You see the Apostle Paul uses the analogy also for new converts being blind, babes, in darkness, foolish, and immature Romans 2:18-20.
Yet, those who are sighted guides cannot lead these babes astray, because they will receive the greater condemnation. Brother Stoneking exaggerating, embellishing, no, telling stories without checking the facts behind the story.
Now, I also posted that Brother Stoneking was told by Brother C. P. Thomas about the Alibaba and the forty wives in the cave for seven years, and then later Brother Stoneking was shown a video, and told that the women shouting their hair down were indeed Osama Bin Laden's wives.
So, that can lead some to believe that the story is bonafide. But NASA scientists seeing a bright object hurdling through space towards earth is the New Jerusalem? Seriously? Come on, Brother Stoneking please check out the source.
So in the meanwhile let it rip? Let those being led in the congregation suffer?
Come on, that's not what 1st John 4:1 is trying to convey to its readers.
"Don't worry congregation whatever Evang.Benincasa throws over the pulpit, don't worry, just feel the joy of the Lord, and if he is wrong, well it will be revealed at his judgement?
Yes, people should check the source. There were a lot more preachers than just Stoneking talking about the space object. My father was one of them. And he didn't get it from Stoneking. Going to mock my father for mentioning it during a message? Is my father a false prophet for it?
You don't believe any of this can happen (God instantly taking someone from jail and putting them somewhere else; muslim women converting; terrorists converting), and that's fine. Just don't mock those who do, or imply they're false prophets.
I keep thinking back to what Bro. Cole said about not telling of some of the things God did overseas. This is why. You'd likely be mocking him and calling him a false prophet as well.
Last edited by n david; 06-05-2015 at 02:56 PM.