Re: More news at the U.N. in New York
If great things are happening at the UN, I praise God for it... I really do. I hope that people of all nations are hearing about the Lord Jesus, and the power of the gospel that can change their lives forever!
But really, what matters more is if people are being made disciples, and it frustrates me to see people get so excited to see someone "speak in tongues", (don't get me wrong, that is wonderful) but the true test really comes when they agree to picking up their cross to follow Jesus, which involves a whole lot more than just a few words in tongues. It should be an experience that changes your life forever. I know discipleship is harder to measure and people are always looking for numbers... but still, just because someone speaks in tongues does not mean all the work is over... just like when a baby is born... it is hard work to birth them, but really, the hardest work is just getting started after the birth, by raising and training them into maturity.