Originally Posted by thephnxman
"God was IN Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself..."
I believe that "...the Word was God..."; and not only that, but that "...a body hast thou prepared me."
I do not want. nor intend, to separate the Word and God! I understand that God can be manifest as the
son without His glory, but not necessarily without His POWER! Nevertheless, was the POWER not
subject to the Father? "...the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that
dwells in me, he does the works." I also believe that the Son's kingdom will abide forever.
It is in that context that I'm asking: will He reign in his physical image forever; or is the kingdom
forever because WE will reign and judge angels with His POWER and AUTHORITY?
Now this: will the Son divest (disrobe) himself of his humanity to be clothed "...with the glory
which I had with thee before the world was."???
"... and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Jesus will be both God and man forever.
Jesus will never divest himself of his humanity or cease to be human.
He has been glorified with the pre-incarnate glory already - do we not worship him as God? Is he not the very person of God? What other God is there besides Jesus Christ?
The kingdom is eternal because God is eternal. We will be immortal (and thus eternal ie "age-abiding") because God, through Christ, is in us by the Spirit.