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Old 02-07-2015, 07:28 AM
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Re: ILG - Vaccine Hysteria

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
.the good doctor said " voices shrieking to forcibly vaccinate people"...I didn't deny anyone "shrieks"

And whether they shrieked or not, that sounds more like an attempt to muddy the waters than present an objective case. Its pejorative. It feeds into the mentality of people who frequent WND and other such publications

Study Logical fallacies
I rarely click on the WND link, but someone sent me the article and I posted it here because I have read the same information she put out. Dr. Lee Hieb is also a Libertarian which will explain why she doesn't want the government overreach.

Dr. Lee Hieb served as a general orthopedic surgeon at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; was the first and only female Louis A. Goldstein fellow of Spinal Surgery at the University of Rochester; is a past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons; and is an outspoken advocate for free-market medicine. Dr. Hieb has been a contributor to HumanEvents.com and writes a weekly column for WND.com. She enjoys her two sons and a healthy rural lifestyle in Logan, Iowa.

They are shrieking all over the media with this vaccine hysteria.

I don't always listen to Rush Limbaugh either, but I agree with him here:

So Romney finally answered it, and that gave birth to the War on Women. There was no War on Women, and now this vaccination thing has popped up. It's another attempt at re-creating the War on Women. This is designed to destroy Republicans, particularly Republicans running for president, by creating a phony debate over vaccinations, a debate that does not exist, a controversy that was not alive. And, all of a sudden, now the Drive-By daily soap opera theme or meme today is a debate between Christie and Rand Paul and others in the Republican primary field over whether or not vaccinations should be mandatory, while nobody's even talking about why we need them.

What's being set up here, there are some Republican parents who don't want to have to vaccinate their kids. They don't want the government to have that kind of power. So Republicans are once again being set up as anti-government, anti-health, all this stuff. There's another reason why this is happening, folks, and that's to cover up Mrs. Clinton.

If you go back and look, Mrs. Clinton -- maybe one of my crack researchers will do this -- if you go back and look, Mrs. Clinton has plenty of anti-mandatory vaccination statements that she's made on the record over the course of many years. I mean, she's been on both sides of this. She wanted vaccinations to be mass manufactured, mass distributed, and she did have a period of time where they mandated everybody should have them. And other times she's been on the other side of it, too.

Meanwhile, if you do some research, you find out it was both Obama and Hillary who were out there spreading this idea that certain vaccines might lead to autism, and they were cautioning against mass vaccination. They're the ones doing it. They're the ones that are on record as being opposed to mass vaccines whenever government says you must have it. Hillary has been on both sides because she and her husband, at the same time, have been on the financial good side of mass-vaccine manufacture and sale and import. What a convoluted mess.
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