Originally Posted by Sean
Jason, I will not judge the sincere trinitarians that you have described in the
recent posts. I have felt the same way about the multitudes that have given all to even get us our Bibles and freedoms to read it.
If they were not truly born again and died that way, they will miss the "catching away"(first resurrection), and stand before the Lord at the Great White Throne. They will be judged according to their works(knowledge of what they must do for themselves and God). I believe many will be saved there and all will be judged under the Law(non born again people). However, if they openly opposed ANY kind of truth as it was revealed in their lifetime, they will most likely be condemned there. It all comes down to the individual, and what they did with the knowledge they had in their lives.
The only way to "ensure" that we do not have to be judged at the GWT is to be saved the ACTS 2:38 way. This group will be part of the first resurrection. Apostolics are simply promoting to be saved by the Lord's PLAN A..... Plan B(GWT) is alot more risky to the individual.
I appreciate your conciliatory attitude but I can't see Biblical evidence that God has a salvation plan A & B. Despite the fact that Steve Epley and AR pastor are dead wrong and know their doctrine can't stand up to Biblical scrutiny, at least they are consistent in damning everyone to hell through the centuries until the 20th (and in their mind maybe the 1st &2nd, but anyone 3rd century through 19th, sorry for ya). Albeit they lack consistency in using trinitarian Bibles, Bible resources, songs, and even ecclesiology. They also condemn to hell even the trinitarians who have "obeyed
Acts 2:38" being baptized in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. But since their godhead theology doesn't line up with Steve Epley then ........ them to hell. As if everyone who gets baptized in a oneness understands oneness theology.
Were not saved by mastering theology or Christology. We are saved through understanding and believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who bore the wrath of God on our behalf because of our sin and rebellion, He was crucified and buried, rose again the third day. If someone believes that and repents of their sins trusting in Christ alone for salvation they will be saved. Of course baptism should follow such faith and repentance, and most normally will.
Back to Epley and AR pastor, they even condemn people who HAVE "experienced"
Acts 2:38 even by their standards of flimsy interpretation and believe in the oneness of God, but condemn those people because they believe trinitarians can be saved.
All the while they are blinded to the fact that their interpretation of Christianity damns 99% of all Christians (not unbelievers, but people who trusted in Christ and many times sealed that faith with their own blood) through the centuries.
While at the same time even damning to hell those who die as martyrs this very year in Egypt, Iran, Sudan, and the like. Got crucified for your faith publicly in 2014? Did you speak in tongues? Well sorry for you you should have just denied Christ and saved yourself crucifixion. Instead they just suffered a premature death and start the torments of hell early according to Epley and AR pastor.
To say nothing of all the standards they believe you must keep to be saved. Its nothing more than neo-phariseeism. They would have probably been offended that Jesus healed the man with a maimed hand on the Sabbath or that he forgave the woman caught in adultery had they lived in the 1st century. Self righteousness and religious arrogance is always ugly whether in Judaism or Christianity.