Originally Posted by Disciple4life
I totally get where you are coming from. I don't want to take away roads or libraries of Medicare. But my point is that it will not stop with health insurance. Next it will be food, housing and college education. Just wait it is coming.
You don't want people to pay for people to eat healthy nutritious food with your tax dollars?
You don't think it is a right for every person to have a safe place to live?
You don't think it is the governments place to give everyone a free college education?
The media and society will demonize anyone who refuses to go along with the new plan.
Why don't we look oversees. They have tried some of this stuff and it didn't work.
We can do it better!?! Kind of like paying to police the world with blood and treasure while everyone else reaps the benefits.
One last point and I will stop ranting.
You don't work you don't get health coverage.
Each issue you present is an individual battle. Here, we're talking about health care and insuring Americans. The way I see it... we're paying the inflated prices of our premiums because of the uninsured (most of which work in low end jobs) who pay nearly nothing on their bills... yet receive services. It would be best to bring everyone under a single umbrella and cause everyone to pay "something" into the system to stabilize costs.
The only other way to stabilize this and prevent the costs from rising every year is to deny services to those who are uninsured or don't have the cash to pay.