Re: Here is a prime example of what I'm seeing mor
I once wrote a book, “The Primeval Conspiracy.” In a nut shell, the book is about,
How Lucifer, conspired to take over God's Throne and was cast from his high estate into a lesser order, and is still 'the prince and power of the air.”
Remember, as Lucifer, God said of him, in Ezk that he was full of wisdom. When he fell he didn't lose his wisdom, but he corrupted it. Therefore he knows a lot about God's Kingdom and God's plans as well as how humans think.
When he showed up in the Garden, he was no longer Lucifer but God called him a serpent. He was a serpent with a plan to take over the earth. A well thought out conspiracy. And since Adam sold out to the serpent, every child born after that has the 'spirit of the devil in him, not demonic, but which is the “spirit of this world.”
That is why we must be born again. When we are born again, according to the scriptures, (not according to man's doctrine) that spirit is broken, if we want it broken. But we are no longer children of the Devil. We are the sons of God, if we are truly 'born again.
Back to conspiracies. There have been millions of conspiracies since the Garden. And every one of them is hatched up by Satan. Man may think that he is smart to conspire---whatever he conspires. But what better plan than to let man think that he is smart enough to outwit Nations, like Hitler did. Or let man think that he has come up with all kinds of slogans and witty sayings, in Music, commerce, Religion, Governments, Sports, while all of the time, Satan is sitting back laughing, because greedy men are doing his job for him, in corrupting the youth.
Yeah, you could say that I am a believer in conspiracies. Because I know who the head conspirator is. Therefore I try not to blame man, he is ignorant as to what he is participating in. The only answer is to try to help them see that the only way to get away from “the spirit of this world' is to be born again.
But sadly, I see many that are born again, not realizing the great thing that has happened to them, still desiring to live like the world.