I admit that MOST Muslims do not want to kill innocent people. The overwhelming majority of Muslims never commit terrorism.
What should be clear to everyone, however, is that a small minority of Muslims have been convinced (or convinced themselves) that they should attack and kill innocent people.
I think the London attack of May 22, 2013 is most instructive for a few reasons.
1. It happened in broad daylight (like the Boston bombing).
2. It happened not in Iraq or Afghanistan, but on a public street IN an Allied nation (allies in the "War Against Terrorism").
Perhaps THE most troubling thing is the reporting of the event follows the same pattern as the thrust of the criticism on this page: our hesitation to call Muslim terrorism by name.
In the immediate reporting of this attack in London ABC News and Brian Williams could not bring themselves to give an accurate account. One attacker, who seems anxious to be the subject of a video, clearly states that he has killed this man for Allah: "By Allah we swear by the almighty Allah and we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone."
NBC never mentions this fact. This should not surprise as President Obama has not called this terrorism either. As of three days post attack, the President has not clearly mentioned the incident.
Then we have Islamic clerics, speaking of the attacker on video as "a normal, practicing Muslim...a family man, a very calm and non-violent man...even from the most recent clip he was concerned and apologizing to any women and children who were there." [