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Old 04-26-2013, 03:09 PM
hathcock hathcock is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 4
Let me tell you what Jesus has done for my family

Yaw God is so so good to His children! If you have a few minutes, id love to share some things with you.... \
For almost a year we have had plumbing problems in our kitchen and broke. well i started praying, Lord u parted the red sea, You created the earth and us, i KNOW u can fix this. Ive learned to praise Him in the bad times as well as the good. Well ladies and gentlmen while washing the dishes and letting water run in a bucket, i heard a breezy whistle come thru the other side and the Lord told me to hook my pipes up because they were fixed.
I did. yaw , 8 months later , my pipes are still running free and clear!!! Praise God!
another time around december, light bill due. It was 220 dollars and some change. i had my 11 year old son with me . I only had 100 to pay bill with plus the change. i asked for an extension and it was too late. so i paid what i had , turned around to leave and a tall man asked me if 120 was all i had left to pay on my bill. I replied , yes sir. He said let me pay that for you!
you are talkn bout a sister praisin the Lord right then and there ! shoutn yaw , the Lord got ahold of me and i sat in that parking lot and had me a Holy Ghost fit!!!
Among all these things and tests and trials, God has seen us thru every one.
Ipray for someone i can bless because Hw blesses us everyday. Let me share Jesus with someone today. He has come through everytime.
one more.. and ill let you go, lol. there was an elderly lady in the store buying groceries and asked the cashier not to let her go over 60 dollars. God put me in that time and place because i was able to get her things and share the Lord with all that was there. The Lady told me thank you , that she could buy her medicine now.
oh one more. i was in a grocery store , noticed a guy behind me had just enuff to eat for the week. and those of us who know how hard it is to get buy knows what that looks like. God told me to pay for it because he was payin with cash and he wudnt have enuff. as the guy stepped out to his car i ran over and slid my card and paid for it. Guy came back and was stunned . cashier told him it was already paid for and as i watched , i noticed, he only hads a few dollars.
Obeying God that night was His will and it gave me aword fromHim from a stranger, right there in that store.
Im telling you Id be nowhere without my Savior. Praise His Holy name.
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