Re: Tha Fall of Man and the Law of Sin
I was going to post a big, long dissertation on this, but things have been rather busy here lately so I am just going to make this quick and to the point, brethren.
When Adam sinned his human nature itself did not change, it was not imbedded with some kind of viral, inheritable, DNA-altering mutation called 'original sin' or' the sin principle'. There is not scripture that says or suggests that.
People use original sin or 'the sin nature' as an excuse for their sin. It makes God a liar. It destroys grace, and makes salvation of sinners a matter of justice instead of mercy. It turns sin into a disease, and sinners into poor, afflicted, helpless victims, when in reality sinners - you, me, all of us - are wanton, willful criminals.
Sin is crime - it is defined by Scripture as transgression of the law. There is no commandment forbidding humans to be born. There is no commandment forbidding humans to be born or conceived with human nature. Therefore, no one is born with a nature that causes them to be automatically damned to hell - which is what the doctrine of original sin demands.
People sin because they choose to sin. If not, then they must be FORCED to sin. You either choose to commit an act, or you were forced to it beyond your control. If sin is involuntary, then it cannot be CRIMINAL. And if it is involuntary, then it cannot produce GUILT deserving of PUNISHMENT. But sin is voluntary. Sin is criminal. Sin produces guilt. Sin deserves punishment. And therefore sinners are saved by GRACE - pardon, forgiveness, something they DO NOT DESERVE.
If God saved NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING, He would be perfectly just and righteous. Why? Because all of us have sinned, all of us are criminals, and if every criminal served their full sentence who would say the government was unjust? But God offers pardon, forgiveness, mercy.
Original sin makes sin a disease. "You poor sinner, it's your sin nature making you sin, you really can't help it!" Thus God would be unjust and EVIL if he did NOT save people.
A man has a son. The son lives in sin. The son never repents, never gets saved. The son dies. The father then secretly (or openly) blames God for not saving him. Why? Because the man believes sin is involuntary, like a disease, and God has the power to heal it, but chose not to.
Do you pray for sinners to be saved? DO you pray for them, as if they are poor hapless afflicted victims of sin? Or do you plead with God as a mother would plead with the Governor, to grant a pardon to her son convicted of murder?
There is no 'sin nature', such that humans are condemned to hell automatically because they have a human nature. There is no sin nature causing people to sin. Sin is transgression of the law. Repentance means to STOP SINNING, to put it bluntly.
Does God command people to obey him? If he does, then people have the ability to obey him. If people do not obey him, it is because they chose not to do what they OUGHT to have done, and thus are guilty and have NOTHING TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.
Original sin doctrine leads to the other false doctrine of 'progressive holiness', where Christians get holier and holier, and sin less and less, as they 'grow in grace'. But that is nonsense. A person cannot be 'partly holy' or 'partly right'. Either one is holy, or not. The bible speaks the same way. One is commanded to love god with all you got. Anything less is SIN. Sin = death, because sin is crime punishable by death.
Another false doctrine is the 'we get fully holy when we die'. No, when you die, you will forever remain exactly in the moral condition you were in upon your death. He that is holy, let him be holy still... he that is unholy, let him be unholy still... Death does not make you holy. Only God's grace by FAITH makes a man holy.
Holiness is separation to God. It is separation from sin, as well. Can you be partially separated to God, but partially separated to sin and self? No, for no man can serve two masters. End of story, so saith the Lord.
I will post more later, Lord willing.