Contradictions and addictions? NO!! Sometimes what sounds like a contradiction by God is no contradiction at all. God does not contradict Himself and always speaks the truth. Then why does the Bible speak of being able to be sin free, no man being without sin, and having to pay for sins garnered after baptism? (
1 John 3:8-10, 2 John 1:6-7, 2 Peter 2:20-22, 1 Peter 1:14-17,
Hebrews 6:4-8,
Hebrews 10:26,
John 5:14,
Matthew 10:24-25,
Luke 12:47-48,
Luke 6:40) How could these ALL be true and not be contradictions from God? I'm going to use addictions as an example of what I THINK God means and let people give their own opinions and ideas on the subject.
I believe that the Kids(us) get the groceries and the devil will get the bill. HOW?
The Bible speaks of the sins of excess (addiction). What is excess and addiction? Everything can be called excess or an addiction. If an addiction (drugs, alcohol, etc) pulls you back to it and it's done by God (God causes no man to sin and He tempts no man) Then the addiction itself is not the sin but what it causes you to do (Still not convinced that this would be your sin) If the devil causes you to be pulled back to the addiction (Everyone is responsible for their OWN sin) If it's sin then who's sin would it be?--The devils. Maybe addictions exist as a lesson to the rest of humanity. In our own sins of judging others. Maybe they are tests of love and patience for us.
God said that if we obey His commandments, preach and teach His word and give 10% of our income to the needy, then we are in keeping with His word---BUT--If we love Him, His ways and His truths--Then the more we are given--the more we will give and we won't cater to selfishness(excess) Then we will receive more heavenly gifts (
1 Corinthians 12:28-31)
If you are doing the basic requirements of God are you sinning? No, but you will be considered the least in heaven. No gifts of wisdom, knowledge, etc. These are the people that need more love, prayer and encouragement from the more mature among the Christians. They don't need us to judge and condemn--That's when we are sinning and falling far shorter than they are in the eye's of God. If your neighbor is an addict and they and their children are starving? Feed them, love them and teach them. Meet their needs without contributing to the problem and leave judgment and punishment in the hands of God.
Always give 10% of your income. This is a standard set by God---a safety net. None are without sin--these are the forced sins of the devil--HIS SINS--If you are in keeping with the rules of God YOU will be sin free. No man will be without sins to carry--but we CAN BE SIN FREE--We will be carrying the devil's sins. Let the kids get the groceries and the devil get the blame. The devil and his play against ALL that we are. We are tempted by the 5 senses that God gave us. Taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight. These are used against us in all the ways that we are like God. Love of beauty, creativity, curiosity and imagination. If you are living by God's rules and within His guidelines, you are sin free--the sins you carry do not belong to you--they are the devils(forced upon us due to basic need)--Make him pay for them.(He gets the bill) We will not be held responsible. You break commandments after being baptized--you will be forgiven if truly repentant but you will receive punishment for them at judgment. It also gives the devil a hold over you--don't do it.
There are NO CONTRADICTIONS in the Bible--God means what He says and says what He means.
GOD'S GUIDELINES--He is a true, just and fair God. he loves us and wishes for none to perish. If you follow His guidelines? The kids WILL get the groceries and the devil WILL foot the bill.
1) Follow the Ten Commandments to the letter--meditate on them day and night and do not deviate--live as close to the way He showed us when He walked among us as you possibly can.
2) Love God by preaching and teaching His word--the best way to reach the most people is by internet--But don't forsake doing this in person--We could start by saying Jesus Bless You as a greeting and declaration of love for people and God.
3) Give 10% of your income to charity--even if you think you can't afford it--you will be taken care of by God--this is faith and trust--It's also the rule that sets the stage for the devil to get the blame and for you to earn heavenly gifts. The more given, the more earned--guilt free.
4) Help all you see around you that need help. Don't throw fits if things get stolen, don't place a higher value on your stuff than on your neighbor--If they need it--Give it away. Greed is NOT loved by God.
5) Don't let the devil and his use you. Rethink excess--name brand junk--too much of this and that--we need to roll the greed back on itself and stop feeding that monster.
This is my opinion of what I think God is saying. How can it be any other way? Any opinions out there?