Originally Posted by Falla39
Jesus had the Power to save the "prostitutes, publicans and sinners". He came to deliver them and save them FROM their sins, not "fellowship" them IN their sins. He told the woman who was accused of being caught in the very act of adultery, to go and sin no more. He didn't condemn her. Jesus came to set the captives free. Sin had held them captive.
Thank you Sis Falla for posting this. It brings to mind a few thoughts I have.
Perhaps those who surmise others (than themselves) are going to hell should take a few things into account? I often wonder why the men only took the woman 'caught in the very act' to Jesus? She did have a counterpart, yet the bible does not mention that he was taken before Jesus also.
Jesus was wise enough to have realized this hypocrisy the crowd displayed.
The difference between some people and Jesus is that Christ has the ability to see all of our hearts. Some people's spiritual capacity is to make judgment on what they see with their eyes and not in their heart.
Christ knew every aspect of the woman's life with one glance at her. He knew her life's circumstances from infancy to the moment she was caught in the act. He also knew every aspect of lives of the men who brought the woman to Him.
I am going to go further to say that I believe He knew the man's heart of whom she commited adultery with.
I'm glad that Jesus the Messiah will be the one sitting on the throne at the end of our lives. He will remember the events in our lives and how we reacted to those events at the time they happened. He will judge
righteous judgment upon us.
I am of Oneness belief, but I will fellowship with honest-hearted trinitarians who love God. It doesn't mean I agree with their doctrine. I am going to throw myself on the mercy of Christ and not believe any evil spirit telling me not to fellowship or share my belief with another person who does not believe like me. Sometimes it takes fellowship and being down to earth to reach somebody else.