Originally Posted by AreYouReady?
Ha! You make an excellent point!
I don't know who he had an affair with, don't want to know because my observations from the past that the majority of OP men had affairs with women who cut their hair and wore makeup and slacks. Quite the opposite of what they say that they believe a woman 'ought' to look.
Ya know, I've never even heard of HMH until I came on these forums. I've gotta post what I have been refraining from posting. This HMH stuff sounds like a fairy tale that some church leadership is demanding grown, adult supposedly sensible people to believe! You know like...Repunzle. They take a couple verses from the entire bible and blow it up in a doctrine all it's own and make it more important that the shed blood of Christ.
I am glad that God identifies his people by the blood covering of Jesus Christ, not because of the physical appearance of men and women.
Seems I recall a you tube video of Lee Stoneking preaching his Hair=esy at TB's church.
In the video TB is seen bouncing all over the platform as LS spews his holymagichair fallacy.
Maybe the video has allready been posted in this thread.
Broken people...I pray God's healing upon them.