Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
Mitt IS partly responsible because the woman would have had coverage if Miitt wouldn't have taken it away to make more money. how is he not responsible?
come on wake up!!! first of all she got sick 6 years after the company closed, and 6 years after Romney left Bain, two she had coverage from HER job and he was offered a buyout not fired and he declined coverage ,you have NO POINT OTHER THAN THIS IS A TOTAL LIE !!! ITS PRETTY BAD WHEN FACT CHECK AND CNN SAY THIS IS A TOTAL LIE AND YOU STILL SUCK IT UP !!! it was all a set up by Stephanie Cutter obama campaign manager which is a direct violation of law she isnt supposed to connected to super pacs,ps there is coverage of a conference call with Cutter to prove this ,i heard it !