Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
saying barak obama wants to promote islamic influence and power is race baiting at the very least. why not call john mccain a promoter of islamic influence since he supported action in libya and egypt. we did nothing in egypt. libya was a multinational effort supported by many republicans in defense of democracy where people are muslim. would you rather have supported dictatorship and genocide? this is not the first time you make racist insinuations or jokes. i am not tongue in cheek, i don't consider you a christian brother with those distorted views. explain what obama should have done in libya.
Sam has never, not now or ever, made any racist comments, instead of throwing mud on the wall hoping somethin would stick, why dont you produce those comments, he allegedly made otherwise put a sock in it. Im sure he is greatful you dont consider him a brother.As to what he should have done in Libya ? shut his mouth,quit inciting riots.