Re: The Skewed Priorities of Some Modern Evangelis
I can honestly my opinion, family first not ministry. I am not really concerned what anyone thinks of that order of priorities, it is my order. My opinion is strong for a multiple amount of reasons.
I have seen ministers who were active for over 25 years loose there family, their mind, and their home..for the "call" I have seen church families destroyed over "sacrificial" giving. There is so much unbalance and way too much responsibility laid at Jesus' feet over the great commission. There are certainly times for sacrifice, and yes I believe God sends families to areas to start churches etc, but in all that it is still our responsibility to balance our lives and take care of the family.
Sometimes the "call" is not totally directed by the Holy Ghost. Sometimes people put themselves in better positions for greater some ways it is no different then climbing the corporate ladder - except God gets the responsibility..after all He called me to to do it!
I have heard some of the most consecrated and annointed preachers, who after 20 -30 years of ministry make this statement..."If I had it to do all over again..I would spend more time with my family" Can you even imagine that kind of a statement coming from someone who has been clearly annointed by God to preach? It is profound to say the least.