Originally Posted by unitedpraise10
I have a question. As a United Pentecostal Church member, I am ofter flabbergasted at the amount of people (our people) that leave the UPCI for other denominations. I'm not talking about leaving and going to a WPF or ALJC church. I'm talking about leaving and retreating to a non-denominational church or something similar. In some cases UPCI pastors have completely taken their entire churches in this direction. (I know of a UPCI church here in Missouri that made a 180 degree turn just with in this past year, and they are still listed on the United Pentecostal Church International "church locator").
I guess my question is, is why? I'm not being bitter or hateful. I'm just curious. What makes some "BOOM" make a complete change like that? Some say it's freedom....but I still don't get it.
There's no "BOOM" about it. When a change such as this is made it is almost always after a long period of inward thought, study & struggle. This time is generally preceeded by questions to pastor & friends in which they, often, got answers that didn't help alleviate their questions. After a while of trying to act like you believe something that you have questions about... you ask questions. Then after a while of not getting answers that provide good solid Bible answers for why this is taught doubts creep in until finally they just can't pretend anymore... and then... BOOM.