Truth About Social Security
Social Security remains the biggest Republican target but they are still afraid to touch, but they keep up the steady stream of propaganda, in the hopes that more people will come to believe the lies, and let them get away with stealing our retirement. Also, remember Social Security has never added a penny to the deficit, so controlling “government spending” has nothing to do with this.
Social Security is far more than a tax. After 75 years in existence, the program “remains one of the nation’s most successful, effective, and popular programs.” It has dramatically reduced elderly poverty — nearly half of seniors today would be in poverty without it — and it is the nation’s most effective tool at alleviating poverty among people with disabilities. It does all this while spending less than a penny per dollar on administrative costs. And despite conservatives’ fear mongering, Social Security is not going bankrupt any time soon, and will not at all if it is not privatized by the Republicans.