Naturally, Congress and the White House will attempt to spin these facts. Whatever they assert, the fact remains this tax credit was designed explicitly to directly offset all of the 6.2% Social Security payroll tax normally paid by individuals on their first $6,451 in earnings. In spite of this fact, it is virtually guaranteed that Congress and the Social Security trustees will continue to use phantom
accounting gimmicks to suggest that this tax credit had no impact on the payroll taxes collected, and thus had no impact on the size of the "alleged" Social Security
Trust fund.
Go ahead light, read the report. ONly 240 pages.
Tax and spend Dems will take the
Trust out of the fund.
The Act was writtnen when people had a life expectancy of 62 years. It should be moved up to 70 years of age for payouts to commence and do that yesterday.
Lazt people think that is too harsh. The do not know the plan. It has disability cliams that are at any age. If you are disabled, you can get on the plan.