Originally Posted by Pressing-On
“President Bush appreciated the invite, but has chosen in his post-presidency to remain largely out of the spotlight,” Bush spokesman David Sherzer told POLITICO in an email Tuesday night. “He continues to celebrate with all Americans this important victory in the war on terror.”
Here's the funny thing Pressing On---
Seascapes thinks she can know the motives of W for declining. "He knows he doesn't deserve credit." Wow, now that's an astute observation! The lack of logic is amazing.
The very fact that Obama invited W to join him in celebrating this moment is an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that Bush played a role! DUH!
In his speech Sunday night Obama said "WE removed the Taliban..." WE? Oh really? I didn't realize HE was involved in the removal of the Taliban! Yet, there is no "WE" when it comes to taking OBL out?
It's clearly apparent that folks like SS and Light are so irrationally devoted to partisanship that the easy, fair and obvious observation that Bush played a key role in this moment is lost on them.