Originally Posted by kclee4jc
I generally always pray addressing God as both Father and Jesus. I live with my grandparents and my grama and I have received truth and been born again but grandpa is trinitarian. Ever since truth and error have been at conflict within the household i have noticed that at anytime my grandpa prays he refuses to pray in Jesus Name. It's always "in your son's name". God has dealt with him several times to be baptized but he thus far remained in his tradition. I must say i find it humorous that he is absolutely scared to death of the Name of Jesus Chrsit. Hopefull too, because i know it is because of the amount of conviction he is under.
How would he respond to your characterization of him being, "scared to death of the name of Jesus Christ?"
Could it be that when he is praying aloud in front of you, he is simply choosing Biblical phrases that at least appear to to conflict with your take on "The Truth®?"