Originally Posted by Charnock
How can you stand firm on Acts 2:38, yet believe that people who refuse to submit to baptism in the name of Jesus are okay, saved etc.?
Your position is very duplicitous. You either believe the doctrine, or you don't.
It sounds like you don't.
Who has refused? Without being taught what being baptized in Jesus name is (preacher must pronounce the words over you) how is anyone guilty of refusing anything?
In their mind and faith they were baptized in Jesus name because they were baptized Christians. Its up to us to teach them how the original church baptized, not do God's job by condemning those which know not the apostolic truth.
Paul's treatment of believers in
Acts 19 of whom he thought they were Christians should be the case for denominal believers. We should inquire if they have received the Spirit if they are a believer and perhaps go on to teaching about baptism. Paul never condemned them of what they had. He just inquired if they had more than belief.