I just felt to write this, hope it helps someone today!
The darkest hours reveal his greatest glory. I am often reminded of Moses and his request to God "Show me your glory." (
Exodus 33:18) Here was one of the greatest leaders the world had ever seen, a man who had heard the voice of God, and had been confronted by God at the burning bush. He had been used of God to lead his people out of bondage, and had seen the miraculous performed on many occasions. Yet, here he was, weary from the journey, exhausted in his spirit, and needing an affirmation of his relationship and calling with God.
At first glance it would seem that God ignored his request. His response was that while you are going through this trial I will allow my goodness to pass by you and allow my name to be proclaimed. Sometimes it seems that everywhere we look the goodness of the Lord is evident except where we are. Everybody else is getting their miracle and their blessing but we you can't even feel God like you want to. Then God tells him "you can't see my face for no man can see me and live." This would seem to be a contradiction of God's own word. Doesn't he instruct us to seek his face? Here is a great revelation, however, if we want to see the face of God we must be willing to die. This is why so many people are content with seeking the hand of God and not his face. I can approach his hand and get some of his blessings (handouts) without having to die to myself. The Psalmist said precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. (
Psalms 116:15) We often use
this in funerals for those who have died in the faith, however, I believe there may be a deeper meaning in light of God's statement to Moses.
God then tells Moses, "There is a place by me, and you shall stand upon a rock." There is no place I'd rather be than beside God. For in his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures for evermore. While it is comforting to know that I am standing beside God, (more so that God is standing by me) I still want to be able to see what God is doing in my life. But sometimes, like Moses, God nudges us into the cleft of the rock, and covers us with his hand, secluding us in the darkness of his covering, while his glory (the very thing we asked to see) passes by. He tells Moses after my glory has passed by, "I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen. It is here that many theologians believe Moses received the Genesis account of creation; God's back parts. In other words, when God takes his hand away so that you can see; you will see what he was doing in you past, while you were in the
Oh and in case your worried about Moses' request not being answered, may I remind you that when Jesus took his disciples up into the Mount of Transfiguration, that as Jesus was transfigured into his glory, there were two who joined them to witness this glory. Moses and Elijah. If we wait on him and are willing to die, he will always allow us to see his glory.
Be Encouraged!