Originally Posted by mfblume
Jesus was born again by virtue of the fact that we had to unite to His experience in order to be likewise born again. Our repentance, baptism and Spirit infilling only applies new birth to us that He experienced in rising from the grave to make atonement. It's like saying Jesus had to be baptized in water instead of dying on the cross if we have to be baptized to say otherwise. Our water baptism is united to His death and burial. So no one would think He had to be water baptized instead of slain on the cross just because we do! BY the same token His resurrection from the grave is being begotten of the Father FROM DEATH -- firstborn FROM THE DEAD. If we was BORN from the dead and BEGOTTEN as part of that experience as well, for people to say He was NOT BORN AGAIN is absurd.
He was BORN FROM THE DEAD, folks. He was BORN OF MARY as well. That shows TWO BIRTHS! But all the while He did NONE of those things because of His personal need as you are trying to force my position to say.
We see integrally different forms of BIRTH in our own first and second birth. From the womb and from the Spirit. Why can you not see the same thing with Jesus who was BORN of Mary and firstBORN from the dead?
Totaly agree with this. Without this we have no reality of a new covenant.
question was Jesus tempted in the flesh as we are Mike?