Originally Posted by jfrog
I would say faith produces works and that once those works are produced then they are entertwined with your faith in such a way that the two cannot be separated. In other words, faith is first, then a work is produced, and from that moment on our faith is seen in that work.
I would say that if faith produced works, works was already there intertwined with faith waiting for an opportunity. It's just that you cannot see faith without works. The Word doesn't bear out that Abram struggled with what God told him to do - leave his people and land. He immediately acted on his faith. I think they arrive at the same moment. Our faith is alive and always waiting for an opportunity.
The only other option is to view works and faith occuring simultaneously. I disagree with this view because it implies that every every hour we are without a work that we are in a state of dead faith awaiting our faith to come alive again only at the moment of our next work.
I don't agree. You cannot see faith. Works is physical and faith is a heart thing.
How would our faith die because our works are not physically and visibly operative 24/7? Is someone going to knock on your door naked and destitute asking for food 24/7?