I have a dilemma.
I am engaged to the most amazing girl in the world
. I will be getting married in 10 months. We have been engaged for 4 months.
It's a long distance relationship.
OK, well I fly from San Antonio to El Paso every 3 weeks, but now we have decided to push it back to every 6 weeks to save for the wedding.
Well you guys won't imagine at what I'm jealous about. It is something so petty that its embarrassing to even explain, but I cant help to get these feelings. SO i figured I would ask.
My Fiance's little sister recently got a boyfriend, and so he has been spending more time at my fiance's house, Ex. Dinner, coffee, lounging and talking.... and I get Jealous of 2 things...
1. The fact that the little sister gets to spend more time with her Boyfriend than we do.
2. That my fiance's mom will grow more attached to him than to me because he will eventually spend more time there than I do...
so it really bugs me when i hear that he is over- I DONT KNOW WHY! I wish I could be ok with it!
I don't know why this bugs me. I don't even know if this is normal. any advice anyone?