Originally Posted by Praxeas
I don't think the church is really praying though, for it...the church talks about praying for it...we evoke high brow churchy prayer for it...
Let's revisit Azusa again.....William Seymour was not noted for his preaching. They said he spent his time with his head in an apple crate moaning and groaning in prayer and that others were praying too. It was not a preaching service with music and someone preaching a message every time. It was not a regular 30 min before church prayer meeting. They were burdened and prayed fervently....they were not rushed to get to Denny's after the meeting.
They did not worry about getting home in time to catch American Idol.
I am reminded of a message Gordon Mallory preached on the revival in the Philipines....it was called Prayer and Fasting. Prayer and fasting was not elective for them. It was not another program the church does that you can get involved with. It was the bread and butter. It was what EVERYTHING was staked on. The preaching and the outreach was pointless if there was not constant prayer and fasting to such an extent that it did not bring rejoicing, but tears from the realization that there was yet still sinners unsaved.
We have a lot of rejoicing services....you can watch others shockamoo all night long. But when does the power of God drive us to our knees in tears and burdened for souls?
I feel the conviction of the Holy Ghsot, Prax...