Where do we get church buildings?
In responding to a other thread, this idea came to me. In Old testement times God only had one tabernacle/temple. The Nation only came to Jerusalem/where the tabernacle was, during the feast days. There were no local places of meeting. These came about when the nation divided and the northern king did not want the people to go to Jerusalem for fear that they would joint the southern kingdom. So he built a synogog. This was against Gods commandment.
So with thought in mind the early church held their own family studies at home as they always did. This is where to first church met. They did not have large groups as we seem to think we need today. Therefore what did the pastor, pastor?
We do not get the type of church meeting like we have today until after Constitine combined idolitry with Christianity. Further the priest hood with control over the group was not a Jewish trait. The priesthood did not have control over the people. But idol worshiping priest did.
So the question is why do we defend our present day heigharcy in the church when seems that this is not the way God set things up in the beginning?
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