Originally Posted by jfrog
Let's take this one step at a time.
The answer to that question of why someone would wear jewelry and makeup is obvious and is given in Jeremiah 4:30. The answer is that women wear jewelry and makeup to appear fair/beautiful.
The real question is what motivates a woman to want to appear fair/beautiful? Does she want to appear fair/beautiful for the same reasons that a harlot does (to attract men for the purpose of sex)? Or does she want to appear fair/beautiful for other reasons?
I think that every woman has a natural instinct to try to make herself appear beautiful, and not just in order to be sexually appealing. Girls/women like to feel pretty, and part of that is "adorning" themselves. When I was a little girl, I loved to play dress-up and put on my mom's lipstick and jewelry. I know it's hard for a lot of guys to understand this about women, and thus it's been easy to demonize over the years.
Even UPC girls find legal ways to adorn themselves, often with methods that contradict their own standards. And girls will always find ways to get around the rules. "Can't wear jewelry? Well, I'll just wear it in my hair and call it a 'headband'." "Can't wear makeup? Well, I'll just wear tinted Clearasil or fake tanner and shiny lipgloss" "Can't have the latest hairstyle? Well, I'll just have the most elaborate hairstyle I can come up with, and people will still ooh and ahh." And on and on it goes....
I know a woman that has been in the UPC for over twenty years, and she recently admitted that she felt like a part of her womanhood had been taken away from her when she joined the UPC, because she could no longer do the girly things she had always done before to make herself feel pretty.