Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms.
I have no problem with anyone on this Forum, I don’t even know who Nathan_Slatter is. I have never seen not one of his posts. I am not venting Folks. I have just seen so many posts about some saying they are un-church, and don’t trust Pastors or very rarely attend church services and such. It’s time to get real and get in a church, get a pastor, and get ready to meet Jesus. I knew I probably would offend some, but it’s not my intention to do this, but it’s to late in the day not to be doing all we can for the Lord. That’s the only reason I started this thread, kind of like a wake up call I guess. Sorry you have been hurt.
You have stirred up some very good conversation, and for that I commend you.
(and also some goofy sound bites
but of course that is another story)