Originally Posted by pelathais
Lessee... given the way that you've... erhm! ... prevaricated in the past on just about every issue you've ever discussed...
First of all - your bulletin in RED above is misleading at best. Read your own fine print. Wilson is said to have voted to allow a mere $250,000! of federal money to be used to help cover some of the expenses local hospitals incur by performing the federally mandated chores they have of providing health care to anyone who shows up.
Under our current federal laws (and most states) - everyone and anyone who shows up in a hospital presenting symptoms of any illness or injury MUST be treated. Until 2003, they were treated at the expense of the local hospital and its paying base of patients.
After "Sec. 1011" - the over 5,764 registered hospitals in the United States can now split $250,000 to cover this otherwise unfunded federal mandate. That's $43.37 per hospital.
Besides, what do you care about health care? I thought that you were one who refused to "limit God..." Why don't you just show up in the hospitals of America and heal all the sick and injured - legal, illegal, terrestrial, extra-terrestrial... everybody? "I'm always amazed at the boundaries that you put on God!"
And for what it's worth... less than two weeks later and Obama himself has come right out and said that he did "lie" to Joe Wilson, the Joint Session of Congress and everyone of us:
Wow, sensationalist much?
The article you posted says in the first line "
President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage."
But hey, I can see how your need to fear/revile Obama causes you to pull "Obama himself has come right out and said that he did "lie" to Joe Wilson, the Joint Session of Congress and everyone of us" from that.