Originally Posted by wilderness
I was raised Pentecostal (still attend a Pentecostal church) and have never understood the "holiness" standards.
I have conducted studies, read books, spoken to elders, pastoral staff, and top evangelist's within Pentecostal to attempt to gain a clear understanding. I have not heard a consistent explanation of why we do what we do. In the studies that I have conducted, I have yet to find concrete scriptures that create a firm foundation for the "holiness" standards.
I understand that it is obedience and submission to those that have authority over you statement that is commonly used.
Let me please note, that in any discussion it was not to debate, question, or be disrespectful. I believe that you must respect the office, even if you cannot respect the "man or woman" in the office. I have never had a heated discussion concerning this topic with anyone.
I believe that if one has a relationship with God, that he will convict you on an individual basis as your relationship grows with God. What God expects from one, maybe different from what he expects from another.
I believe we should be modest in appearance, I do not believe that only certain garments are modest. I have seen many endorsed "modest" garments be as revealing than non-endorsed garments. Likewise I have seen endorsed activities be as ungodly as non-endorsed activities. Over the last 15 years I have seen the "holiness" standards go from being evidence of a relationship with God, to the current status of a matter of salvation.
I have seen convictions of one individual be pushed on many individuals. I do not believe that this is proper or Biblical. However, I'm not a fan of throwing holiness to the wind and not having a stance on anything.
As you can tell, I'm in a very confusing time in my life. I have given up positions within the leadership of the current Church that I attend, because I cannot stand behind the leadership of the Church 100% and do not subscribe to the "holiness" standards 100%.
As a result I have been on a journey of visiting other Churches and to my amazement I have found that there are folks that are non-Pentecostal that are Christians. I have seen folks that have fruit to show for their relationship with God. Fruit, not in flashing lights, correctly operated sound systems, nice facilities, effectively ran programs, teaching for all age groups, excellent operations, community outreach, not to mention good preaching, etc., Fruit, talking about God, wanting to learn more, bringing visitors to church, excited to talk about church, caring for others and the community.
What has been disturbing for me, is to find that in the majority of the Church that folks are dressed rather modestly and that most of the things that I have heard over many Pentecostal pulpits don't match up with reality.
I believe in self examination rather than striking out at others or being ugly because I may be in a wilderness experience. As a result, I pose the following questions:
Am I blind to see the ungodliness of the non-Pentecostal churches?
Is there something wrong with me?
Am I a backslider?
Am I taking my family down a dead end road?
Why do I feel confused about everything I have heard since I was a child?
I know I'm not the first, nor the last that will or have posed these same questions.
What are your thoughts?