Sorry for any confusion regarding relevant vs emergent. I thought they were one and the same. The gist I think I was trying to make is are we (me being upc) heading down that road? Is the future going to be no standards and house meetings with Rock concert Sundays?
My dilemna is that one side of me wants to hold onto tradition while the other side says hey let's get to the brass tacks of the gospel. Seeing people I know firsthand involved scares me because I am confronted with my traditions being challenged and I don't know what side to take.
The 3 choices I see are:
1) Holding to my traditions completely
2) Compromising somewhere in the middle
3) Leaving my traditions, calling my Pastor by his first name, wearing flip flops to church.
I can handle jeans and tee shirts. But to see my sisters cutting there hair, wearing make up and donning pants freaks me out. It is a cultural shock and cause me much inner turmoil.
Can anyone relate to these feelings? My beliefs are being shaken and tested.
Fortunately there is room for both approaches in the church. You can hold to your faith tradition and others can hold to theirs. Why does it have to be one or the other? We're talking about traditions here, not truth. Traditions of men are just that, manmade, and there's really nothing wrong with that. People worship and congregate in ways that appeal to who they are, and people are different so the result is variety of faith traditions. Personally, I like that.