Originally Posted by Blubayou
I have read through most of this thread- I have been watching this emergent church movement from the outside and trying to get a grasp on it. I have a couple of thoughts on the matter:
I have no problem with relaxed clothing at church, and a more relaxed atmosphere - we need to reach the lost.
I fear that the emergent church is just another label for the charismatic.
I think we as an organization ( UPC) is undergoing a real time of change- and many of the man made foundations are crumbling. I just hope that the change that is brought about by men and women that are God centered, God directed, and Spirit led. As a church we do need to refocus our purpose on bringing the Gospel to the lost- That should be our primary purpose- Can you honestly say that is the primary purpose of the church you attend?
good thoughts.
what do you mean by "charismatic"? doesn't that word mean "full of spirit"?
If the UPCI is undergoing some change....then I hope they stop looking to men...and start looking to God. If they look to men then they will be right back in the same mess in just a few years.