The Truth About Politics & Religion
There is a consistent truth about politics & religion and that truth is this...
People see their own truth clearly and are often completely blind to others.
I see posts and hear conversations where someone makes a slam on anothers candidate or religion and the exact same thing could be said about their own and yet, while they see the error of their opponent with utmost clarity, any error on their own side seems hard or impossible to pick out.
This causes rifts that divide... true enough. But it also causes us to huddle behind artificial boundaries that hide us from more than just each other. They hide us from truth as well.
The Republicans aren't completely right.
The Democrats aren't completely right.
The Republicans aren't completely wrong.
The Democrats aren't completely wrong.
There are parts of both sides that are right and parts of both sides that are wrong. Somewhere in the middle is the main casualty of this game... the real truth.
We color what the opponents say with our biased shades and use our autistic...oops... I mean... artistic abilities to color them the evil that we feel the need to ensure they are colored.
This human tendency does ensure 2 things. A severe lack of progress and an inability to ever be one people united for one purpose.