God is Faithful!!!! Miracle in my life!!!
About 2 years ago, i was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. The Dr. at that time said I needed to see a cardiologist for further treatment. Being uninsured, I couldnt afford to see a cardiologist. I went to my church that wed. evenening, (bear in mind, I had been away from Jesus for over 30 years prior to about a year before the diagnosis) and asked the Elders to annoint me with oil, and pray for my healing. I felt that God was going to heal me but was afraid to see if there were any results. So, for the past couple of years I've vasilated in the faith of my healing. Sometimes I KNEW I knew I was healed and sometimes I just wondered. Finally, (after getting health insurance) something really neat happened. I was praying night before last and asked for more faith....and asked what I should pray for. Yesterday morning, I had some very uncomfortable feelings in my chest, and my legs and feet were swollen...(symptoms of heart failure ). I prayed and asked God what to do....and I KNEW I needed to go to the ER. I went, had blood tests, an echocardiagram, and today had a cardiac cath. MY HEART HAS NO DISEASE AND IS NO LONGER ENLARGED(hearts do not shrink) ....IT IS NORMAL. AND I FEEL GREAT!!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!