Witnessing to Lost Family Members
How do you all do it? Is there any specific way you have found to work?
My father (the one I've been requesting prayer for in a different thread) has four siblings -- three younger sisters and an older brother. None of his siblings are abiding in the Apostolic truth.
His three sisters all attend a non-denominational church (self-identifying as "Full Gospel") that's led by a preacher who has rejected Apostolic truth. This gentleman has far too many Apostolic family members that has tried to bring him into the fullness of truth, but he flat told my Mom and I that he won't baptize in Jesus' name. On the surface, this preacher is a nice, likable man, but underneath, he seems to be feeding a spirit of distaste for truth. That distasteful spirit has apparently preached itself into the lives of my aunts that call this man their pastor.
My uncle has never been a churchgoer. As long as I can remember, I don't ever remember him going to church anywhere. In saying that, he's a very good man that takes care of his family, always has a job, and would help anyone in need. He just doesn't seem to see the need to have God in his life. I've recently gotten a strong burden for this uncle, his wife, and my cousins, and my wife and I have started pulling for them strong. I'm hoping to get them to church and I pray the Lord deals with them once they're there.
Having said all that, how does one witness to said people?
My mother's family are far more difficult. My uncle and aunt on that side are full of spirits and withhold my mother from seeing my papa. This aunt was raised Pentecostal, but now finds things such as tongues and prophesy as against what the Bible teaches. I have another aunt on my mother's side that rejects church and God altogether.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how they'd tackle witness to such people? I love my family, but it's hard to reach them.
I am Apostolic I believe in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
I believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
I believe in living a holiness lifestyle, inwardly and outwardly, without which no man shall see the Lord.