Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If one dresses immodestly they should expect to go to Hell.
No offense Michael, but while I agree with you that if one dresses immodestly to incite sinful passions, to seduce, to show off wealth, position, or power they are in sin... modesty as it is typically defined in most churches is very relative.
For example, one pastor I know teaches that nude panty hose are immodest. Another teaches that it doesn't matter. One feels high heels are immodesty, another doesn't. One feels the color red is immodest on a woman, another doesn't. One sees open toe shoes as immodest, another doesn't.
I believe the intent and disposition of the heart is what determines if a state of immodesty is sin or not.
Immodesty is a multifaceted topic. For example, Isaiah prophesied against Egypt and Ethiopia in the nude for 3 years, demonstrating that they would be taken captive and led away in shameful bondage by the Assyrians. Was this demonstrative preaching immodest? Yes, purposefully so. However, was Isaiah any less "holy"? No.
Because true holiness is a disposition of the heart towards God.