Originally Posted by Apostolic1ness
isnt this how churches start or is this for people who dont want a pastor in their life.
I've heard of a few churches starting this way. But there are large networks of house churches, especially overseas, which remain small, individual house churches.
I wouldn't disparage or broad brush all house churches as being comprised of people who don't want a pastor. Most house churches still have leadership, whether a single figure or a council of elders.
Understand this before criticizing house churches: one day in the future it may be necessary to have networks of house churches. There could be a time in the future when the church buildings are either too expensive to keep or regulations/laws are enacted to close them.
What happens then? How strong will people's faith be then? Will they be strong enough to continue a relationship with God without a Pastor? I fear many people are spiritually weak and without an authority figure they would drift away in the wind.