As you guys know, I have been driving for Uber/Lyft. The phone service and phone I was using was asbysmal and I was losing 25% of the ride requests coming into my phone because it would lag so much that it wouldnt recognize that I had accepted the call before the time limit ran out.
The solution was to switch services and get a better phone but AT&T wanted $100 a line and 30% down on each device and they are NOT cheap.
I had priced one and did the math and worked some majorly long shifts until I had the money to at least get mine and I was going to get Katherines later.
Keep in mind I have went through the credit checking process several times over the past month and I got the same response each time due to my less than stellar credit.
So I walk in yesterday and tell the guy that I think I had enough but wanted to confirm the amount and he again runs the check and tells me no deposit no money per line needed. All I had to do was pay taxes on the devices!
I was able to get not only my phone and the case but also Katherines as well for less than what I was prepared to pay just for mine!
Now I run all my calls lag free!!!!!
Love the Galaxy S9+ !!!!!!!!!
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.