Originally Posted by CC1
Take care! I honestly hope when the emotional aspect of your candidate falling short runs its course you will get behind Romney. I know that right now you feel that cannot happen. The alternative is so bad for our country we cannot afford to have people not be involved because of sour grapes.
Unlike you I don't have the same bad feelings about Romney that I had with Dole and then McCain. Both of those times I thought it was crazy for the Repubs to nominate old cranky Senators that not very many people liked. In McCains case a guy who half the time didn't even vote with his party. It is true Romney is really a moderate but a Repub moderate is so much better than a liberal / socialist Obama there should be no hesitation about supporting him.
Still tying up some loose ends tonight.
No, CC1, I will never be for Romney. He did a horrible, dishonest lying character assassination on Newt in Florida. I'm speaking, especially, on the ethic violations that the IRS cleared him on (incidentally, there were 84 charges and he was cleared of all) and Romney knew it. And on Newt resigning in disgrace, Dan Burton (posted that clip on another thread) and Tony Blankley (posted that article on another thread) particularly spoke about that not being true.
It's just not possible now for me to ever think I could get behind Romney. It's just not going to happen.
Good night! I'm done. I could fall asleep for a month, it feels like. Campaigning is very, very tiring mental and physical work!