Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
There is no scripture about shaving beards so no one will be offering any. Its an Apostolic tradition.
It was used to Separate the Apostolic Movement from the West Coast, Jesus Freak movement.
If you look at some of the early Oneness Pioneers, they too had facial hair.
There were quite a few Apostolic Preachers (Cornwell- Tulsa, OK and Larry Booker, Rio Grande, CA) that came out of that "hippie" movement with a strong conviction against that life style. Like I have stated before, it is not about the facial hair, but about the spirit and Attitude behind it, that which is of a rebellious, even a sexual immorality one. (not saying that if you have one that you stand for that.)
Would you let you kid get a fohawk, tattoos, body piercings, etc? Not I, that is things that the Occult use to mark their followers. We just need to go back to common sense Christian living.
1) Is it against the teachings of Christ
2) Has the Spirit convicted me, my parents (as a child), or the pastor that I sit under.
We need to be a Holy People, a Chosen nation, that is called out and separate from our former life.