Originally Posted by Praxeas
That has always been the problem with torture. If you torture someone that has no information and yet they insist he does and continues torturing him, he will make stuff up
Somewhat true, but not always prax, what we do isnt torture imo its stressfull ,what they do first is waterboard them and ask them questions they already know the answers to,then once they establish credibility,after checking and cross checking info gained to other sources,then all they need is the threat of waterboarding to get them to talk.This is when they have them broken.For instance when they got the info on the courier it wasnt given to them in the traditional sense ,what happened was they asked KSM who the courier was he made the mistake of saying, ah, he has retired and kept insisting that he wasnt a factor anymore ,the old thou doeth protest too much credo.You dont" torture" them until they are blind with pain, that is when they will make stuff up.sometimes its something as simple as standing them up against a false wall and moving the wall suddenly.In fact these guys at gitmo put on an average of 30 pounds while they are at Gitmo and play soccer in their free time which they take away when they dont cooperate.The pics that were leaked was an abberation imo, not the norm, by a renegade soldier or two. KSM's nickname was KFC, before and after he was captured, because of his love for fried chicken thats why he was the one who bought Daniel Pearl off his kidnappers and then sawed his head off on video now thats torture! to improve his street cred ,he was tired of being made fun of.