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05-29-2010, 08:41 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 17,805
An Old Song
We had a recent thread about “It’s Real” and someone also mentioned “Something Got Ahold of Me” on there. Today I thought about this old song titled “Pentecostal Music” and I thought I would post it.
Bro. Norman Paslay and Sis. Mary Alice Paslay were assistant pastors to Bro. F.E. Curts back in the nineteen fifties and sixties in Cincinnati, OH. This is one of the songs they used to sing.
My wife and I used to sing some together and this is one of the songs we used to sing. The attached picture shows us in late summer or early fall of 1959 at The Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith in Indianapolis, IN. (note those short sleeves on her maternity top). I was 21 and she was 18 and we were expecting our first baby. I preached there one weekend and then we went back home to Cincinnati on a Greyhound bus. Bishop G.R. Brock was the pastor of the church and was the Presiding Bishop of an organization called The Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith. Later, in the early nineteen sixties I was licensed with that organization. but let my license lapse when we started going to an ALJC church in 1963 or 1964.
Pentecostal Music
Verse 1
The Holy Spirit came sent forth in Jesus’ name
The bottles were all filled with glorious wine.
Oh, what a time they had! They must have felt so glad!
They shouted and they talked in tongues divine.
And there was music there, music there
The Hallelujah Chorus was heard there.
Throughout eternal day the saints in Glory will say,
“I”m glad I was a pilgrim there.”
Verse 2
Samaria heard the Word and all the town was stirred
And hundreds were baptized in Jesus’ name.
Some could not understand how it was through Peter’s hand
They got the Holy Ghost there just the same.
Verse 3
Proud Paul made no delay to persecute the way.
While on the road to town God knocked him down.
‘Twas hard for him to kick against the Gospel prick
He fought the fight of faith and won the crown.
Verse 4
Cornelius he was just, be born again he must,
So Simon Peter nothing doubting came.
The Jews were sure surprised but they were all baptized
And water was applied in Jesus’ name.
Verse 5
In Acts nineteen verse 1 we read God’s work was done
When Paul in Ephesus certain disciples found.
He asked if they’d received since they first believed
And soon the Holy Ghost was coming down.
Verse 6
The Lord has never changed. His plan is still the same
And thousands are baptized in Jesus’ name.
His Word has proven true, the Spirit’s promised you
The Pentecostal fire is still aflame.

05-29-2010, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Midwest
Posts: 3,002
Re: An Old Song
That old song brings back good memories, Sam.
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei

05-30-2010, 08:14 AM
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7,358
Re: An Old Song
Originally Posted by Sam
We had a recent thread about “It’s Real” and someone also mentioned “Something Got Ahold of Me” on there. Today I thought about this old song titled “Pentecostal Music” and I thought I would post it.
Bro. Norman Paslay and Sis. Mary Alice Paslay were assistant pastors to Bro. F.E. Curts back in the nineteen fifties and sixties in Cincinnati, OH. This is one of the songs they used to sing.
My wife and I used to sing some together and this is one of the songs we used to sing. The attached picture shows us in late summer or early fall of 1959 at The Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith in Indianapolis, IN. (note those short sleeves on her maternity top). I was 21 and she was 18 and we were expecting our first baby. I preached there one weekend and then we went back home to Cincinnati on a Greyhound bus. Bishop G.R. Brock was the pastor of the church and was the Presiding Bishop of an organization called The Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith. Later, in the early nineteen sixties I was licensed with that organization. but let my license lapse when we started going to an ALJC church in 1963 or 1964.
Pentecostal Music
Verse 1
The Holy Spirit came sent forth in Jesus’ name
The bottles were all filled with glorious wine.
Oh, what a time they had! They must have felt so glad!
They shouted and they talked in tongues divine.
And there was music there, music there
The Hallelujah Chorus was heard there.
Throughout eternal day the saints in Glory will say,
“I”m glad I was a pilgrim there.”
Verse 2
Samaria heard the Word and all the town was stirred
And hundreds were baptized in Jesus’ name.
Some could not understand how it was through Peter’s hand
They got the Holy Ghost there just the same.
Verse 3
Proud Paul made no delay to persecute the way.
While on the road to town God knocked him down.
‘Twas hard for him to kick against the Gospel prick
He fought the fight of faith and won the crown.
Verse 4
Cornelius he was just, be born again he must,
So Simon Peter nothing doubting came.
The Jews were sure surprised but they were all baptized
And water was applied in Jesus’ name.
Verse 5
In Acts nineteen verse 1 we read God’s work was done
When Paul in Ephesus certain disciples found.
He asked if they’d received since they first believed
And soon the Holy Ghost was coming down.
Verse 6
The Lord has never changed. His plan is still the same
And thousands are baptized in Jesus’ name.
His Word has proven true, the Spirit’s promised you
The Pentecostal fire is still aflame.
Our late father used to be teaching a Wed. night Bible
study or preaching a Sunday night service and break out
with this song. He didn't think of himself as a singer, but
he would get inspired and start singing an old song. Then
he would finish and grin, and say, "O I wish I could sing"!
Another old song he would sing was "Pentecost has come
again". I don't recall all the words but it started out like
Did you not hear Peter say to one and all,
This is that what Joel said. God will pour His
Spirit out on all nations round about,
Pentecost has come again.
Another chorus was:
Brother, this is that, Sister, this is that,
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
Made the lame to walk, caused the dumb to talk,
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
or something like that!
Sam, do you remember these songs!
Watching you, watching you, everyday mind the cord
you persue. Watching you, watching you. there an all
seeing eye watching you.
As a young person I could just see the EYE of the
Almighty watching every move I made.
And we would sing. "You Can't Do Wrong And Get By"
There's a God who's standing at heaven's door,
He's looking this universe ore. And He sees each
mortal with His searching eye. You can't do wrong
and get by.
And again I could just see the Eye of the Almighty
watching to see if I was doing wrong. I just knew I
was not going to do wrong and get by!
Oh, the memories and the dear people that would
influence our young lives. They prayed for us and
endeavored to teach us to fear God and hate evil.

05-30-2010, 03:54 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 17,805
Re: An Old Song
I only remember singing:
Brother, this is that,
Sister, this is that.
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
Brother, this is that,
Sister this is that,
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
just those lines sung a few times.
Another chorus we sang was:
I'm one of them, I'm one of them.
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
I'm one of them, I'm one of them.
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
I've heard the all seeing eye song but don't remember singing it.

05-30-2010, 05:45 PM
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7,358
Re: An Old Song
Originally Posted by Sam
I only remember singing:
Brother, this is that,
Sister, this is that.
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
Brother, this is that,
Sister this is that,
This is that that fell at Pentecost.
just those lines sung a few times.
Another chorus we sang was:
I'm one of them, I'm one of them.
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
I'm one of them, I'm one of them.
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.
I've heard the all seeing eye song but don't remember singing it.
Yes, I remember that one too. Also once in a while someone would sing a
song, "You'll Wish You Were One Of Us By and By". Can't remember too
many words. I was pretty young. Remember the "The Life Boat".
Then cheer my brother cheer. Our trials will soon be ore.
Our loved ones we will meet. we'll meet, upone that beauti-
ful shore. Then let us all take courage....~
Last edited by Falla39; 05-30-2010 at 05:48 PM.

05-30-2010, 06:53 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 17,805
Re: An Old Song
Probably an age thing but I enjoy the Gaither videos and those songs they sing on there.

05-30-2010, 10:46 PM
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7,358
Re: An Old Song
Originally Posted by Sam
Probably an age thing but I enjoy the Gaither videos and those songs they sing on there.
Yes, the songs sung on the Gaither videos/DVD's are very
good. The old ones and the newer ones too!

06-06-2010, 10:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 5,406
Re: An Old Song
As a child hearing this song almost every week, it wasn't a comforting sort of song. But now, in my later years, I find it strangely comforting.
All along on the road to the soul’s true abode,
There’s an Eye watching you;
Every step that you take this great eye is awake,
There’s an Eye watching you.
As you make life’s great fight, keep the pathway of right,
There’s an Eye watching you;
God will warn not to go in the path of the foe,
There’s an Eye watching you.
Fix your mind on the goal, that sweet home of the soul.
There’s an Eye watching you;
Never turn from the way to the kingdom of day,
There’s an Eye watching you.
For each of its three verses, we repeated this refrain:
Watching you, watching you,
Ev’ry day mind the course you pursue;
Watching you, watching you,
There’s an all-seeing Eye watching you.

06-06-2010, 04:15 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 17,805
Re: An Old Song
Originally Posted by seekerman
As a child hearing this song almost every week, it wasn't a comforting sort of song. But now, in my later years, I find it strangely comforting.
All along on the road to the soul’s true abode,
There’s an Eye watching you;
Every step that you take this great eye is awake,
There’s an Eye watching you.
As you make life’s great fight, keep the pathway of right,
There’s an Eye watching you;
God will warn not to go in the path of the foe,
There’s an Eye watching you.
Fix your mind on the goal, that sweet home of the soul.
There’s an Eye watching you;
Never turn from the way to the kingdom of day,
There’s an Eye watching you.
For each of its three verses, we repeated this refrain:
Watching you, watching you,
Ev’ry day mind the course you pursue;
Watching you, watching you,
There’s an all-seeing Eye watching you.
Depends on how that is presented. It can be comforting to know that our God is constantly watching over us. It can be scary if presented in a way that He is always checking us, looking for something to find fault with.
In Genesis 16:7-14 when Hagar fled from Sarai, the Angel of the YHWH (Jesus in His pre-incarnate form) appeared to her. He said, "I will greatly increase your descendants; there will be so many that it will be impossible to count them." He went on to say, "Look, you are pregnant, and you will give birth to a son. You are to call him Yishma'el [God pays attention] because YHWH has paid attention to your misery. He will be a wild ass of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen." There Hagar called her master's God who had spoken with her El Ro'i [God of seeing], because she said, "Have I really seen the One who sees me [and stayed alive]?" The record goes on. This is why the well has been called Be'er-Lachai-Ro'i [well of the one who lives and sees]; it lies between Kadesh and Bered.
Here, the all seeing eye had been watching her because He was concerned with her and the unborn child she was carrying. In this same way, I believe God has His eyes upon us. He is watching us like a mother watches her child.
Here is an old song that Bro. and Sis Paslay used to sing:
Tenderly He Watches
Tenderly He watches over you
Every step, every mile of the way;
Like a mother watching over her baby,
He is near you every hour of the day.
When you're weak, when you're strong,
When you're right, when you're wrong,
In your joy and your pain,
When you lose and when you gain.
Tenderly He watches over you
Every step, ever mile of the way.
Long before time began
You were part of His plan;
Let no fear cloud your brow,
He will not forsake you now.
Tenderly He watches over you
Every step, every mile of the way.

07-17-2010, 12:56 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Southern Illinois
Posts: 21
Re: An Old Song
You guys scare me. I was born in the 60's but I knew every single one of those songs. Of course I can't remember which of my three children to call which name, but I remember those songs from when I was single digits old. My mind. It's a terrible thing I've wasted.
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