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Old 04-30-2009, 01:05 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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A Story about the current Medical Est. and cancer

Know anyone with cancer... do them a favor become educated on the subject and help them by showing them this site!

A Story
Suppose you own a nice, comfortable, $300,000 house in the country, near a small city. While you have gone to the store your house catches on fire. As you return home you see that two rooms of your house are in flames and the fire is spreading. You immediately call the fire department.

Twenty minutes later three fire trucks show up.

The men and women in the first fire truck pull out heavy suits and axes and run to the house and start cutting down parts of the house that have already burned, but are still smoldering. They furiously cut and cut and when they have cut out about 10% of the parts of the house that have already burned, they quit and go back to their fire truck.

You note that they did absolutely nothing to stop the spreading of the fire. What they cut out wasn't even burning and it certainly had nothing to do with stopping the raging fire.

You watch the men and women in the second fire truck pull out a fire hose and start spraying a powder on the fire. The amount of powder they were spraying did not seem to you to be enough to put out the fire. But you notice that while the powder is slowing down the spreading of the fire, it is also severely damaging the parts of the house that are not on fire.

Puzzled, you ask the fireman what the powder is. They say it is a very toxic acid that is capable of putting the fire out, but they can't spray very much of it on the fire because if they did, the entire house would be reduced to a pile of rubble by the acid. Thus, all they can do is slow down the spreading of the fire, but they can't stop the spreading of the fire.

Even more puzzled, you ask them why they did not bring water in their fire truck. They said that in firefighter school they were taught that water was useless in putting out house fires. They said that using water on a house fire is an old "wives tale" and water is not effective. They also said that the state firefighter's union would fire any firefighter that used water on a house fire.

By sheer coincidence you are also aware that the federal regulatory agency, the Fire Development Administration (FDA), has researched water and has declared that water is an "unproven" method to put out house fires. The FDA says there is "insufficient evidence" as to water's effectiveness and safety. You silently mumble to yourself that there must be a huge connection between the FDA, the firefighter's union, the firefighter schools and the chemical companies.

While you have been talking to the men and women in the second truck, five men have jumped out of the third fire truck. They ask you where the couch is in the living room. You point in the general direction of the couch in the living room, which you assume by now is on fire.

Each of them immediately pulls out a 30-06 caliber rifle and starts shooting at the couch from where they are standing next to their fire truck. You scream at them and ask them what they are doing. They respond that they have been taught in firefighter's school that couches are very bad to have in a house during a fire, so they are trying to shoot the couch to pieces. They comment: "We think we are doing some good."

You say that even if the couch is helping spread the fire, that they are blowing holes in the front and back of the house trying to shoot the couch to pieces from outside the house. Furthermore, very impatiently, you say the fire has already spread far beyond where the couch is located.

While the spreading of the house fire did slow down because of the toxic acids, within two hours you no longer have a house. The fire men and women were quite proud that they slowed down the fire. They tell you that your house lasted an extra hour because of their work. You doubt the accuracy of that number. They give each other "high fives," get in their fire trucks, and head back to the fire station.

Between the fire, the acid and the bullets, your house has been reduced to rubble. The cutting out of the wood that had already burned, by the first fire truck, had absolutely no affect on stopping the fire. In fact, nothing any of them did stopped the spreading of the fire, it only slowed it down.

You are astonished at what you have seen.

You ponder why the "investigative journalists" have not jumped on this situation. Then you realize how much money the chemical companies spend on television advertisements and you realize why the "investigative journalists" have kept their mouths shut.

A week later, as you drive by the fire department, you notice that all of the cars in the parking lot are very expensive cars.

A month later you know why they are driving very expensive cars. They have sent you a bill for their services: $100,000. But they note in the bill that the house insurance company will pay most of the bill. You are amazed when you look at your house insurance policy and realize the insurance company will not pay the bill if the fire department uses water.

You ponder to yourself: "What is the connection between the fire department, the firefighter's union, the firefighter's school, the FDA, the insurance companies, the television stations and the chemical companies?"

One thing is clear to you, you now know why all of your friends think the firefighters are heroes, the television stations constantly portray them as heros in their shows.

As you research all of the connections between these organizations it quickly becomes clear to you that all of them are owned or controlled by very wealthy people who are very, very good friends with each other. You have a brand new comprehension of what quid pro quo means - you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back. You conclude that a quid pro quo of this magnitude is another term for "conspiracy."

End of Story

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Old 04-30-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

My husband has had cancer twice. All these stories seem right and make sense until you actually have to make some choices. And then, we all have to deal with the fact that we ARE going to die from something.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

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Old 04-30-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

The Doctor's @st.francis cabrini in Alex,La. Have been remarkable to my Grandpaw (lung cancer). He has bragged on the nurses who handled his kemo & radiation he had both forms of treatment. The kemo was ruff on him.. we were worried. He is doing much better and the outlook is good. He's been fighting for about a year now, his 10-12 mths has turned into a possible 3-5 yrs.
A Few months after we learned he had cancer. my aunt was told she had breast cancer. She went through kemo lost all her hair and faced that hard road. She has been cancer free for two weeks. To GOD be the glory!

Now I know alot of people have had bad experience's with cancer treatments. But thats no reason to say that they do it just for the money. Many doctors have hundreds of thousands of dollars of med school debt. That fat sallary your dreaming of doesnt go far after that. If you personally had a horrible experience with cancer ...I feel for you. I hope it doesnt leave you bitter. I for one do not believe they are all evil greedy killers.
They could have presented there case for alternative treatments without slamming conventional methods.
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Old 04-30-2009, 02:49 PM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

Very interesting.
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Old 04-30-2009, 02:54 PM
Mercy Mercy is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

My dad was diagnosed with cancer around 02-03. He's an older man and I didnt want him doing chemo or radiation because it has the ability to make you so sick. He did some treatments of using medicine that helps your own immune system fight the cancer. That worked for about 3 years but then the cancer became very aggressive. The cancer had only appeared as "spots" on his bladder, but then began to deepen into the wall. The doctor eventually took out the bladder and made a new one with part of his small intestine. So he is cancer free w/o radiation or harsh meds. During that 3 years though we did a lot of "talking" with his doctors for alternatives. They were very helpful in keeping him off of harsh medications.
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Old 04-30-2009, 03:25 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

Few will give you an alternative as they are ignorant of them. Read the site and articles!

I have known many that went the route of ortho"BOX" treatment. Short term success sometimes. It comes back. As nothing in the current treaments FIX THE ISSUE unless you cut it out and "they got it all"! Just heard from a lady I do business with and well the cancer is back again after $$$$ spent on everything. 2 years the doctors did not change her diet. Gave all the ........ they always do and she just now said things have turned for the worse and guess what? Ahhh let's try some chemo and steroids to keep the fluid out of your lungs! yeah and they said she needs to get everything in order.

Marcy to you did the treatment work? I will answer for you! NO! Thy took out his body parts! That is not success! Please read the website for his sake! Sure sometimes that is necessary but most of the time you catch it early which what it sounds like. At least you got a doc that uses some immune building technique. Though I wonder what it really was.

Most disease starts with what you eat. Either to life or death!
Chemo, Radiation, and surgery do not do anything for your system but destroy it.

Also immune building is very good per the Vit C articles but it takes more than that to destroy the cancer cells or bring them back to normal. that is why he experienced what he did. He prolonged the issue but did not get rid of the issue.
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Old 04-30-2009, 03:27 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

Originally Posted by ReddMann24 View Post
The Doctor's @st.francis cabrini in Alex,La. Have been remarkable to my Grandpaw (lung cancer). He has bragged on the nurses who handled his kemo & radiation he had both forms of treatment. The kemo was ruff on him.. we were worried. He is doing much better and the outlook is good. He's been fighting for about a year now, his 10-12 mths has turned into a possible 3-5 yrs.
A Few months after we learned he had cancer. my aunt was told she had breast cancer. She went through kemo lost all her hair and faced that hard road. She has been cancer free for two weeks. To GOD be the glory!

Now I know alot of people have had bad experience's with cancer treatments. But thats no reason to say that they do it just for the money. Many doctors have hundreds of thousands of dollars of med school debt. That fat sallary your dreaming of doesnt go far after that. If you personally had a horrible experience with cancer ...I feel for you. I hope it doesnt leave you bitter. I for one do not believe they are all evil greedy killers.
They could have presented there case for alternative treatments without slamming conventional methods.
No not all are but the establishment has set it up to that is the only way it works. Also you are in denial of what is going on.
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Old 04-30-2009, 03:45 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

There are several forms of treatment, none of which is proven to stop the spread of cancer but may help. They put your case in the computer and it randomly choses which form of treatment to give you.
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Old 04-30-2009, 03:59 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
There are several forms of treatment, none of which is proven to stop the spread of cancer but may help. They put your case in the computer and it randomly choses which form of treatment to give you.

hmmm lets think limited treatments without any alternatives to normal medicine of which orthodox treatment have a very poor rate of success. hmmm wonder how well that works. I can make a good guess. Put trash in and your search returns with trash.

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Old 04-30-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: A Story about the current Medical Est. and can

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
Few will give you an alternative as they are ignorant of them. Read the site and articles!

I have known many that went the route of ortho"BOX" treatment. Short term success sometimes. It comes back. As nothing in the current treaments FIX THE ISSUE unless you cut it out and "they got it all"! Just heard from a lady I do business with and well the cancer is back again after $$$$ spent on everything. 2 years the doctors did not change her diet. Gave all the ........ they always do and she just now said things have turned for the worse and guess what? Ahhh let's try some chemo and steroids to keep the fluid out of your lungs! yeah and they said she needs to get everything in order.

Marcy to you did the treatment work? I will answer for you! NO! Thy took out his body parts! That is not success! Please read the website for his sake! Sure sometimes that is necessary but most of the time you catch it early which what it sounds like. At least you got a doc that uses some immune building technique. Though I wonder what it really was.

Most disease starts with what you eat. Either to life or death!
Chemo, Radiation, and surgery do not do anything for your system but destroy it.

Also immune building is very good per the Vit C articles but it takes more than that to destroy the cancer cells or bring them back to normal. that is why he experienced what he did. He prolonged the issue but did not get rid of the issue.
You better believe that with my husband's having cancer twice that we are well informed that it has a tendency to come back...and back...and back. Maybe he will die of cancer someday. The fact is that although surgery, radiation and chemo do not touch the root CAUSE, they slow down the process and can lengthen life. I think in ALL cases and ALL choices, quality of life must be a consideration. I do not know that I would bother with chemo if I had an aggressive cancer and was given only a short time. It might be better to die in peace. Eating right and all that has it's benefits, but quality of life must be considered here too. Just how much change is necessary? If a person does change, what should they change and if they still get a recurrence who's fault is that? I wish my husband would eat better. I also understand that the phethorum of choices out there and the plethorum of opinions is overwhelming. Who to believe? So, we have made some changes with supplements and somewhat with eating. And if the cancer reoccurs, is it his fault for not eating better? My fault for not demanding he eat better and cooking better? Or is it the medical establishments fault for not curing him?

I do agree that there is fault with the medical and particularly the pharmaceutical companies for not studying the nutrition correlation more. However, nothing is conclusive at this point. And we are all going to die.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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