Originally Posted by Cindy
What about when you run into the "fancy" Baptist that do the same, or Methodist? It's okay for them right?
I am sorry, in writing it came across very bad. I am unsure how to say what I feel without sounding like I have the "take" on what is God. :-/
I will tell you that when people come into a store, that someone I know works at, dressed like "upity" (his words not mine) Christians he sees them in the same light as the worldly "upity" non-Christians. He knows a LOT of Christians from a church that have the same standard of dress as UPC but dress "normal" meaning their clothing doesn't draw attention to them. I think they are Apostolic but dress in plain clothing, not old fashioned just plain and modest.
Seeing things through his eyes helped me remember that Christ had nothing about him to be admired. When the scriptures speak about how men and women should dress, it doesn't say that it should be fancy or draw attention.
I guess when someone says, "Wow that is a nice outfit" I know I wore the wrong thing and put that piece of clothing in the Goodwill box. I want people to see Jesus and not notice what I am wearing.
Does that make sense? That is the point I was trying to make and I did not make it very humbly. Sorry.